Part 1

This post explores the first day of Advent of Code 2020! You can find the description for part 1 of this exercise here.

The goal

This exercise tasks us with finding two numbers that sum to 2020 from our input (a list of numbers). Sounds easy enough!

Reading the input

Every Advent of Code exercise gives you a text file that is your personalized input. This means that your solution will be different than my solution, since we have different inputs.

My first goal for every exercise is typically to simply parse the input file. In this case, the input text file is a list of numbers, one on each line.

We can use the following code to parse each line as a number and store it as a list.

def get_nums(input_file):
    with open(input_file) as f:
        return [int(line.strip()) for line in f.readlines()]

Let’s try it out!

>>> nums = get_nums('input.txt')
>>> print(len(nums))
>>> print(nums[:10])
[1046, 1565, 1179, 1889, 1683, 1837, 1973, 1584, 1581, 192]

Looks like it’s working!

Exploring solutions

How can we find two numbers that sum to 2020? It seems like we simply need to try all possible pairs of numbers and see if their sum is 2020. Let’s try it!

Our code will simply contain two for loops (one for the first number and one for the second number) and a check to see if they add up to the sum we want.

I’m going to put this code (and most future code) in functions. This allows us to use the same function for both test inputs and the actual input and is generally a good practice to follow.

def find_pair_that_adds_to(nums, total):
    for num1 in nums:
        for num2 in nums:
            if num1 + num2 == total:
                return num1, num2

The exercise provides us with an example that is much smaller than our actual input. Let’s try our code on that example first and see if it works.

>>> example_nums = [1721, 979, 366, 299, 675, 1456]
>>> find_pair_that_adds_to(example_nums, 2020)
(1721, 299)

It worked! Let’s see if it works on the bigger input.

>>> nums = get_nums('input.txt')
>>> find_pair_that_adds_to(nums, 2020)
(1373, 647)

Hooray! We can check, and, sure enough, 1373 + 647 = 2020. Keep in mind that this is the answer for my input; yours will be different.

The final part of the exercise is to simply multiply the two numbers to get our final result. Our final solution looks something like this:

>>> nums = get_nums('input.txt')
>>> x, y = find_pair_that_adds_to(nums, 2020)
>>> x * y

Part 2

Part 2 of each exercise is hidden until you solve part 1. If you don’t want spoilers, stop now! Otherwise I’ll give a brief description of part 2 and explain how I approached it.

The goal

Things are getting more interesting. Instead of finding two numbers that add up to 2020, now we need to find three!

Exploring solutions

Let’s try using the same strategy as we did last time, just with three numbers instead of two.

def find_triplet_that_adds_to(nums, total):
    for num1 in nums:
        for num2 in nums:
            for num3 in nums:
                if num1 + num2 + num3 == total:
                    return num1, num2, num3

Let’s try it with the example numbers:

>>> find_triplet_that_adds_to(example_nums, 2020)
(979, 366, 675)

Looks like it worked, since 979 + 366 + 675 = 2020. Let’s try it for the real input!

>>> find_triplet_that_adds_to(nums, 2020)
(511, 195, 1314)

It worked! 511 + 195 + 1314 = 2020. Our final solution for part 2 looks something like this:

>>> nums = get_nums('input.txt')
>>> x, y, z = find_triplet_that_adds_to(nums, 2020)
>>> x * y * z


And that’s it for day 1! I hope you enjoyed that brief walk through how I approach a day of Advent of Code.

There are some ways in which we could improve our solution. If that sounds interesting to you, read on! Otherwise feel free to move on to day 2.

Improving our solution

The solution we have created so far is sufficient to solve this exercise, even in the worst case. However, as it turns out, Eric Wastl was being really nice to us in this exercise. If we look at the length of the input list, there are only 200 numbers.

>>> nums = get_nums('input.txt')
>>> len(nums)

Trying all possible combinations of three numbers among a list of 200 numbers may sound like a lot, but for a computer, it’s actually not that bad. There are 8,000,000 (8 million) possible combinations of three numbers (without any logic to avoid repeated combinations).

However, if the input list had 300 numbers, there would be 27,000,000 (27 million) combinations. If there had been 1,000 numbers, there would have been 1,000,000,000 (1 billion) combinations. As you can see, the number of combinations grows rapidly as the input list grows longer.

As it turns out, there are a few ways to drastically reduce the number of combinations we need to explore.

Improved solution #1: Walking from the ends

Let’s return to part 1 and see if there is a faster way to find a pair of numbers that sum to a given number. Let’s look at the list of example numbers again.

>>> example_nums
[1721, 979, 366, 299, 675, 1456]

Let’s try sorting the list and seeing if anything sticks out to us.

>>> sorted_example_nums = list(sorted(example_nums))
>>> sorted_example_nums
[299, 366, 675, 979, 1456, 1721]

If we look at the first and last number, we see that they add up to 2020. Since that was too easy, let’s choose a new sum to look for. Let’s try 1654 (which is 675 + 979).

If we try the first and last (smallest and biggest) number, then we get 299 + 1721 = 2020. That sum is too big, since 2020 > 1654. If we think about it, we can realize that there is no way to sum to 1654 if one of the numbers is 1721. If one of the numbers were 1721, then the sum will always be too big! So, we can confidently conclude that both numbers must be less than 1721. To get our next candidate pair, let’s keep 299 but consider the next largest number, 1456.

With thse numbers we have 299 + 1456 = 1755, which is once again too large. If we move the larger number down again, we get 299 + 979 = 1278. Now, our number is too small, since 1278 < 1654! If we use the same logic as last time (but in reverse), we can determine that the smaller number must be larger than 299. So, we can replace 299 with the next smallest number.

Our next pair is 366 + 979 = 1345, which is still too small (1345 < 1654). The next pair is 675 + 979 = 1654. We have now found our pair!

I’m not aware of a name for this algorithm, so I’ll just call it “walking from the ends”. The great thing about this solution is that it only requires going through the list once, instead of going through the list once for each element. It does require sorting the input list, though. If you’re familiar with big-O notation, this solution is O(n log(n)) instead of O(n2).

Here is an implementation of the “walking from the ends” algorithm.

def find_pair_that_adds_to(sorted_nums, total):
    index_low = 0
    index_high = len(sorted_nums) - 1
    while index_low < index_high:
        low = sorted_nums[index_low]
        high = sorted_nums[index_high]
        cur_total = low + high
        if cur_total < total:
            index_low += 1
        elif cur_total > total:
            index_high -= 1
            return (low, high)

However, this is only an implementation for finding a pair. What about finding a triplet?

I’m unaware of anyway to improve the search besides simply iterating through every element and searching for a pair that sums to the desired sum minus the current number. Here is an example implementation:

def find_triplet_that_adds_to(sorted_nums, total):
    for num1 in sorted_nums:
        tup = find_pair_that_adds_to(sorted_nums, total - num1)
        if tup:
            num2, num3 = tup
            return num1, num2, num3

The total time complexity for this algorithm is O(n2). The sorting is O(n log(n)) but is only performed once. The triplet algorithm is an O(n2) algorithm, which trumps the O(n log(n)) complexity.

Note that this could potentially use the same number more than once. If that is unacceptable, you can modify the logic in find_pair_that_adds_to to not consider a given index.

Improved solution #2: Hashing

You can also hash each number into a set/dictionary. This allows you to test, in constant time, whether a number appears in your list. This allows you to find a pair of elements that sums to a given number in linear, or O(n), time, without needing to sort the list first. Finding a triplet of elements can be done in quadratic time, or O(n2), just like the “walking from the ends” algorithm.

Here is an example implementation:

def find_triplet_that_adds_to(nums, total):
    s = set(nums)
    for i, x in enumerate(nums):
        for y in nums[i:]:
            z = total - x - y
            if z in s:
                return x, y, z

Once again, this could lead to using a value more than once. Using a dictionary/counter that stores the number of occurrences would be a simple way to ensure that each value is only used once.