2020 Day 4: Passport Processing
Part 1
This post explores day 4 of Advent of Code 2020! You can find the description for part 1 of this exercise here.
The goal
For this exercise, we need to determine which passports are valid. A passport can contain the following fields:
byr (Birth Year)
iyr (Issue Year)
eyr (Expiration Year)
hgt (Height)
hcl (Hair Color)
ecl (Eye Color)
pid (Passport ID)
cid (Country ID)
For a passport to valid, it must contain all of these fields except the cid
(Country ID) field,
which is optional.
Parsing the input
In most of the exercises we’ve seen so far, the input has been in a very structured, consistent format. However, in this exercise, things can be a little different. Let’s look at the example batch file.
ecl:gry pid:860033327 eyr:2020 hcl:#fffffd
byr:1937 iyr:2017 cid:147 hgt:183cm
iyr:2013 ecl:amb cid:350 eyr:2023 pid:028048884
hcl:#cfa07d byr:1929
hcl:#ae17e1 iyr:2013
ecl:brn pid:760753108 byr:1931
hcl:#cfa07d eyr:2025 pid:166559648
iyr:2011 ecl:brn hgt:59in
The passports are separated by blank lines, but each field can be separated by spaces or newlines. This makes things a little more tricky! Let’s walk through a few possibilities and think if they would work. We can’t just read each line one at a time, because that would put different parts of the same passport in different sections. We could maybe go through each line at a time and add it to a running total until we found a blank line, but that sounds a little tedious and error-prone. Is there a better solution?
What if we read the entire batch file at once and then split on blank lines? Python strings have a
method that can take a string (not just a single character), so we should be able to
split on \n\n
(two newlines in a row). Let’s try it!
For convenience, I’m going to save the example batch file in a file named example.txt
so we can
work with it. I hope this will make it easier to follow along than if I used my personalized
>>> text = open('example.txt').read()
>>> passports_texts = text.split('\n\n')
>>> passports_texts[0]
'ecl:gry pid:860033327 eyr:2020 hcl:#fffffd\nbyr:1937 iyr:2017 cid:147 hgt:183cm'
Looks good! Now we need to get one section for each key:value
pair. The issue here is that we have
two kinds of delimiters: spaces and newlines. The
method only accepts a single delimiter, so we could either split on spaces or on
newlines, but not both. Darn.
However, let’s look a little closer at the .split()
method. Python has a built-in help system, so
let’s use it.
>>> help(str.split)
Help on method_descriptor:
split(self, /, sep=None, maxsplit=-1)
Return a list of the words in the string, using sep as the delimiter string.
The delimiter according which to split the string.
None (the default value) means split according to any whitespace,
and discard empty strings from the result.
Maximum number of splits to do.
-1 (the default value) means no limit.
Well would you look at that. If we don’t pass in a value for sep
(the “separator” or delimiter),
then it splits it according to any whitespace. That’s exactly what we want!
>>> passport = passports_texts[0].split()
>>> passport
['ecl:gry', 'pid:860033327', 'eyr:2020', 'hcl:#fffffd', 'byr:1937', 'iyr:2017', 'cid:147', 'hgt:183cm']
The last step is to break apart the key
from the value
in the key:value
pairs. Looks like
another job for .split()
! That method has definitely been useful today. This time we’ll use :
the delimiter.
>>> [pair.split(':') for pair in passport]
[['ecl', 'gry'], ['pid', '860033327'], ['eyr', '2020'], ['hcl', '#fffffd'], ['byr', '1937'], ['iyr', '2017'], ['cid', '147'], ['hgt', '183cm']]
That looks pretty good. My only complaint is that each key
pair is in a list, not a
tuple. That seem like a minor nitpick, but lists and tuples imply different things and have
different capabilities. A list can be any size and can be dynamically resized. A tuple has a fixed
size and cannot be resized. In this case, each key
pair should always have exactly two
elements: the key
and the value
. It should never have three elements! Let’s modify our code
slightly to use tuples instead.
>>> [tuple(pair.split(':')) for pair in passport]
[('ecl', 'gry'), ('pid', '860033327'), ('eyr', '2020'), ('hcl', '#fffffd'), ('byr', '1937'), ('iyr', '2017'), ('cid', '147'), ('hgt', '183cm')]
Ah, much better! Much better for me, at least. Let’s combine each part into a single function! Or actually several functions.
def parse_passports(text):
passports_text = text.split('\n\n')
return [parse_passport(pt) for pt in passports_text]
def parse_passport(passport_text):
pairs = passport_text.split()
return [tuple(pair.split(':')) for pair in pairs]
And a quick test to see if things worked.
>>> text = open('example.txt').read()
>>> passports = parse_passports(text)
>>> passports[0]
[('ecl', 'gry'), ('pid', '860033327'), ('eyr', '2020'), ('hcl', '#fffffd'), ('byr', '1937'), ('iyr', '2017'), ('cid', '147'), ('hgt', '183cm')]
Looks great!
Validate passports
Now we need to determine which passports are valid. To review:
For a passport to valid, it must contain all of these fields except the
(Country ID) field, which is optional.
We simply need to check and make sure that all required keys are present. That’s actually not too bad! First, let’s create a list of all the required keys.
required_keys = ['byr', 'iyr', 'eyr', 'hgt', 'hcl', 'ecl', 'pid', 'cid']
Oh, wait, the cid
isn’t required! Let’s remove that.
required_keys = ['byr', 'iyr', 'eyr', 'hgt', 'hcl', 'ecl', 'pid']
For each passport, what we would like to do is to iterate through the required keys and see if they are present. However, there’s not a super-simple (or super-efficient) way to do that if each passport is a list of tuples. What if our passports were, instead, a dictionary/map?
A dictionary, or map, is a data structure that maps a collection of keys to their corresponding values. Huh, that’s exactly what each passport is. I guess we should have used a dictionary from the beginning.
Fortunately, in Python, it’s pretty easy to convert a list of key
pairs into a
. Simply use the dict
>>> dict(passports[0])
{'ecl': 'gry', 'pid': '860033327', 'eyr': '2020', 'hcl': '#fffffd', 'byr': '1937', 'iyr': '2017', 'cid': '147', 'hgt':
Well that was easy. Let’s modify our original parse_passport
function to return a dict
def parse_passport(passport_text):
pairs = passport_text.split()
return dict(pair.split(':') for pair in pairs)
The careful observer will note that I’ve removed the call to tuple
and I’m using a list
comprehension…without a list? As it turns out, 1) the dict
function can take a sequence of
two-element lists, so we don’t need to wrap it in a tuple, and 2) Python has generator
which remove the need to explicitly wrap it in a list (when I didn’t need one anyways). Neither of
these are important details, though, so feel free to ignore them if you’re confused.
Let’s see how our new function works.
>>> passports = parse_passports(text)
>>> passports[0]
{'ecl': 'gry', 'pid': '860033327', 'eyr': '2020', 'hcl': '#fffffd', 'byr': '1937', 'iyr': '2017', 'cid': '147', 'hgt': '183cm'}
Looks good! Now we’re finally ready to write our is_valid_passport
function. For that, we’ll
simply go through the each required key and see if it’s present in the passport.
def is_valid_passport(required_keys, passport):
for key in required_keys:
if key not in passport:
return False
return True
If you’re new to Python, the not in
syntax may seem weird, but it does what you would expect:
checks if a key is present in a dict
. If any of the keys are missing, we return False
the passport is missing a required key. If we get to the end of the list of required keys and we
haven’t quit yet, then all of the required keys must have been present. So we return True
. Let’s
see if it works for each of our example passports.
>>> for passport in passports:
... print(is_valid_passport(required_keys, passport))
This matches what the explanation of the example says—the first and third are valid, the second and fourth are invalid. Looks like we’re set to go!
Counting valid passports
Now we need to get all of our passports and count how many are valid. We’ll use the same strategy we
used in day 2, namely list comprehension and .count(True)
def count_valid_passports(required_keys, passports):
valids = [is_valid_passport(required_keys, p) for p in passports]
return valids.count(True)
Let’s try that for the example.
>>> count_valid_passports(required_keys, passports)
Looks good! It looks like all of our pieces are coming together. Time to see if we can get the right answer for the real input.
>>> text = open('input.txt').read()
>>> passports = parse_passports(text)
>>> count_valid_passports(required_keys, passports)
And submitted…and yes! That is the correct answer. Hooray!
Part 2
Things just got a lot more interesting. Instead of just making sure each key exists, we now have to make sure that they actually are valid values. To make things more complex, each key has a different set of rules!
Let’s go through them one at a time.
Birth Year (byr
The rules are:
four digits; at least 1920 and at most 2002.
This is fairly straightforward. It must be an integer between 1920 and 2002.
def is_valid_byr(value):
num = int(value)
return 1920 <= num <= 2002
Let’s run this against the test cases.
>>> is_valid_byr(2002)
>>> is_valid_byr(2003)
Looks good!
Issue Year (iyr
The rules are:
four digits; at least 2010 and at most 2020.
This is almost the exact same thing as birth year. We can copy and paste and change the name and numbers.
def is_valid_iyr(value):
num = int(value)
return 2010 <= num <= 2020
We don’t have any test cases for these. Here are some I made up:
iyr invalid: 2009
iyr valid: 2010
iyr valid: 2020
iyr invalid: 2021
Let’s run this against these test cases.
>>> is_valid_iyr(2009)
>>> is_valid_iyr(2010)
>>> is_valid_iyr(2020)
>>> is_valid_iyr(2021)
Looks good!
Expiration Year (eyr
The rules are:
four digits; at least 2020 and at most 2030.
This is once again almost the exact same thing as birth year. Here’s the implementation; I’ll forego the test cases for this one.
def is_valid_eyr(value):
num = int(value)
return 2020 <= num <= 2030
Height (hgt
This one is interesting. It has a number followed by either cm
or in
for centimeters or inches
respectively. Each type of unit has different rules.
a number followed by either cm or in:
- If cm, the number must be at least 150 and at most 193.
- If in, the number must be at least 59 and at most 76.
This requires two things:
- Split the word into the number and the suffix (unit).
- Use the appropriate test for the given unit.
We’re going to use the .endswith()
method to test for which suffix (if any) the value ends
with. Then, we’ll take off the last two letters to get the number. To do that, we’ll use a slice
with a negative index. Python lets you use negative indices to index from the end (instead of the
beginning) of a string/list.
def is_valid_hgt(value):
if value.endswith('cm'):
num = int(value[:-2])
return 150 <= num <= 193
elif value.endswith('in'):
num = int(value[:-2])
return 59 <= num <= 76
return False
If it doesn’t end with either cm
or in
, then it’s invalid. Let’s run our method against the
given test cases.
>>> is_valid_hgt('60in')
>>> is_valid_hgt('190cm')
>>> is_valid_hgt('190in')
>>> is_valid_hgt('190')
Looks good!
Hair Color (hcl
Here are the rules for hair color:
a # followed by exactly six characters 0-9 or a-f.
In the previous section we used the .endswith()
method. Here we can use the corresponding
method. Then, we’ll use string slices again and use the all()
method to check if
every character is valid. We can define a helper method to easily check if each character is valid.
One thing we’ll take advantage of is the ASCII numeric definition of characters. Since both the ten
Arabic digits and the letters a
through f
are listed in order in ASCII, we can check for those
two ranges fairly easily.
def is_valid_hcl(value):
if not value.startswith('#'):
return False
return all(is_valid_hcl_char(c) for c in value[1:])
def is_valid_hcl_char(c):
is_0_through_9 = '0' <= c <= '9'
is_a_through_f = 'a' <= c <= 'f'
return is_0_through_9 or is_a_through_f
Let’s try these with the given test cases:
>>> is_valid_hcl('#123abc')
>>> is_valid_hcl('#123abz')
>>> is_valid_hcl('123abc')
Looks good!
Eye Color (ecl
Here are the rules:
exactly one of: amb blu brn gry grn hzl oth.
This one is fairly simple: it must be in a given set of values. This is the perfect opportunity to
use a set
! A set
can tell us if a value is in it in constant time. Using a list would be fine,
but it would have to go through the entire list every single time—using a set
is much faster.
VALID_EYE_COLORS = set(['amb', 'blu', 'brn', 'gry', 'grn', 'hzl', 'oth'])
def is_valid_ecl(value):
return value in VALID_EYE_COLORS
Let’s try that.
>>> is_valid_ecl('brn')
>>> is_valid_ecl('wat')
Looks good!
Passport ID (pid
Last one! At least, last one that has any kind of validation. Here are the rules:
a nine-digit number, including leading zeroes
In the past, we’ve converted the number to an int and checked for a range of values. Just for kicks and giggles, let’s do this one a little differently.
Let’s first check for the length of the string (should be 9
). Then, we’ll make sure every
character is a digit.
def is_valid_pid(value):
if len(value) != 9:
return False
return all(c.isdigit() for c in value)
Could we have used the .isdigit()
method for is_valid_hcl
? Yes, we could have. Good point!
Anyways, let’s try those test cases.
>>> is_valid_pid('000000001')
>>> is_valid_pid('0123456789')
Looks good!
Bringing it all together
Now, we need to call these functions on the corresponding values of each passport. Our first check will always be “does this value exist?”. Our second question will be “is this value valid for this key?”, which will be different for each key.
To reduce the amount of duplicated code we would need to write, we can make a lists of all of the validator functions with their corresponding keys. Let’s do that here.
(is_valid_byr, 'byr'),
(is_valid_iyr, 'iyr'),
(is_valid_eyr, 'eyr'),
(is_valid_hgt, 'hgt'),
(is_valid_hcl, 'hcl'),
(is_valid_ecl, 'ecl'),
(is_valid_pid, 'pid'),
Now, we can iterate through each validator function and test them all.
def is_valid_passport(passport):
for validator, key in VALIDATORS_AND_KEYS:
if key not in passport:
return False
value = passport[key]
if not validator(value):
return False
return True
This looks very similar to our last is_valid_passport
function. The biggest difference is that, in
addition to checking for the presence of each key, we’re also making sure the value passes the
corresponding validator function.
Finally, let’s modify our count_valid_passports
function since we’re not using the required_keys
parameter any more.
def count_valid_passports(passports):
valids = [is_valid_passport(p) for p in passports]
return valids.count(True)
Let’s try it out with the list of invalid passports!
>>> text = open('invalid-passports.txt').read()
>>> passports = parse_passports(text)
>>> count_valid_passports(passports)
Looks good! How about the valid passports? There should be 4
>>> text = open('valid-passports.txt').read()
>>> passports = parse_passports(text)
>>> count_valid_passports(passports)
Wonderful! And against the real input?
>>> text = open('input.txt').read()
>>> passports = parse_passports(text)
>>> count_valid_passports(passports)
And that’s the right answer!
This was a long one. I went quickly through each key since there were so many. Hopefully I’ll be able to give more in-depth analysis of future days, assuming they don’t have quite as many moving pieces.